What can we offer?

We have a range of courses available across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.

We are committed to removing barriers to employment. All our courses are open to individuals who live with a disability and/or are neurodivergent.

If you are interested in any of our courses, please contact us to discuss.

HEADWAY employability service

Location: Marr, Kincardine and Mearns
Duration: 12 weeks

This course is targeted at people aged 16 and over who are experiencing long-term unemployment and live in the Marr, Kincardine and Mearns areas.

Participants will be supported to develop skills through a tailored Personal Action Plan, taking part in activities and volunteering which will allow them to make the transition back into employment.

BRIDGES employability service

Location: Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen city

Our BRIDGES courses will help participants gain skills in numeracy and digital literacy, while providing an informal, friendly learning environment.

Learning will be tailored to the individual, their experiences and personal goals, with volunteering and industry placements arranged where this is practical, suitable and safe.

Participants who successfully complete these courses will earn an SQA accredited qualification.

BRIDGES S1 – support and barrier removal for people aged 16+.  The programme offers a range of activities relating to participants interests to help with confidence building.. 

BRIDGES S2 – focus on confidence and team building through
a range of person-centred activities. 

BRIDGES S3 – focus on training and employability skills for people who have disabilities or additional support needs.  

DPS 50+

Location: Aberdeen city
Duration: 8 weeks

This course is aimed at people aged 50 and over who are looking to develop new skills to get back into gainful employment. The 8-week programme will support confidence building, developing employability skills and it will cover information on volunteering or work experience. 

Previous employment skills and work experience will be discussed to develop a tailored action plan of personal objectives.

Participants might wish to learn skills that will help become self-employed or upskill so they can return to the workplace. This course will help them on their journey and provide them with an accredited SQA qualification.

What you'll learn

Communication, working with others, information technology and problem-solving skills are used by everyone in their family and personal life, at work, in public, in the community, and in education and training. They are important because they help individuals to be effective in almost everything they do. That is also why employers value them. Improving these Core Skills helps individuals to cope with today’s quickly changing world. They help to improve confidence and improve career prospects.

JUST Share

Location: Aberdeen city
Duration: 12 weeks

This course is for anyone of ethnic minority aged 16+.  Participants will share how things are carried out in their own country and the difference and similarities in Aberdeen and Scotland in general.  We will try food from across cultures, share traditions, music and any other skills or knowledge help by participants.  

An SQA qualification is incuded in the programme.